by David Mendez, Easy Reader News
The Beach Cities Health District kicked off its own countdown to the school year, gathering more than 150 people to refresh school gardens at BCHD’s annual Volunteer Day – so many volunteers...
This article is written by Brianna Baker, a sophomore at Redondo Union High School and founder of the Stress Less Club. She is also a member of Beach Cities Health District’s youth workgroup – a collection of teens who are brainstorming...
It’s no secret that teens are under extraordinary amounts of stress.
But what can communities do?
That was the focus of the State of Our Youth’s Health: Student Stress & Substance Use Summit hosted on May 24th by Beach Cities Health...
by Jeff Green, BCHD Community Outreach Consultant
It’s not easy being a teenager. Never has been.
Way beyond oily skin and the first experience with heartbreak, there’s angst about tobacco, drug and alcohol use, bullying from...
MB Middle School Celebrate Bike to School Day
Waves of bicycle riders trekked to Manhattan Beach Middle School on May 9 in celebration of Bike to School Day. It is the second year that Principal Kim Linz organized this event with support from...
Lonely. Ashamed. Guilty. Parents who have seen their child lose a battle to drug addiction experience a myriad of emotions. In high-achieving communities like Manhattan Beach, the norm is to hide the addiction problem out of the fear of rejection or...
Dr. Pope closes out the Families Connected spring speaker series at the Redondo Beach Performing Arts Center
“It is possible to have balance in today’s fast-paced culture, but it takes daily practice,” said Stanford...
Ready. Set. Gold. Principals across the country are making a mad dash for what can be described as the Olympics of healthy schools. Redondo Beach Unified School District’s (RBUSD) 12 principals are all stepping up to the starting line.