By Rani Crosby, RUHS Class of 2023 and BCHD Youth Advisory Council Member

Take Care
On a normal, pre-"Safer at Home" weekday afternoon, I would be in 5th period desperately struggling to figure out the answers to my bio worksheet, and...

COVID-19 Leads to Creativity, New Rituals for this year's Senior Class

By Kerianne Lawson, Chief Programs Officer, Beach Cities Health District

Dear Class of 2020,

Spring has always been an optimistic time for high school seniors...

Beach Cities Health District’s Youth Advisory Council has dedicated much of its efforts this year on preventing teen vaping. The experiences of people from the Youth Advisory Council (Council) have provided useful insight into this epidemic. Most...

Beach Cities Health District, in partnership with our Student Mental Health Provider Task Force, hosts the virtual “Talk About It” Small-Group Parent Workshop Series. This series supports families at home as they navigate distance learning and help...

“Ding! Ding! Ding!” rings my phone as I wake up. It’s 8:15 in the morning and my phone is flooded with notifications. I’m receiving numerous texts, google classroom notifications, reminders, messages and emails from my teachers, friends, family and...

At first, I didn’t treat this Coronavirus business with due respect. It seemed as if people were making a lot of fuss about a virus which was said to be less deadly than the yearly flu. The flu is no picnic, but since most of us have been through it...

Written by: Chaya Houston, Redondo Union High School student

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We’re going into the fifth week of LA County’s Safer at Home Order and things have been different, to say the least. We’ve shifted our daily routines and settled into the new normal. Many of our roles have drastically changed and expanded from what...

The past few weeks have been stressful, but mostly just very strange. My school was canceled very suddenly, so mentally switching over to learning online and a lifestyle of sitting at home all day at my kitchen table in front of my computer has been a...

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Los Angeles County Department of Public Health are recommending that the general public wear non-medical ...
