The arrival of daylight savings time – and the loss of one hour of sleep – brings our sleep patterns to the forefront every year. As a result, March is National Sleep Awareness Month, with Sleep Awareness Week scheduled for March 14-20. The event, put...

By Dr. William Kim, Chief Medical Advisor, Beach Cities Health District

In the last year, we’ve learned a lot about washing hands, wearing face masks and physical distancing since these were the available tools to stop the spread of...

Looking to expand school reopenings, school district employees will be prioritized at BCHD’s AdventurePlex in Manhattan Beach

Media Contacts:
Dan Smith, Communications Manager, BCHD...


Heart disease is a leading cause of death for men and women in the United States, but there are lifestyle adjustments you can make to prevent heart disease.

Here are preventive steps that you...

For the patients who have contracted COVID-19, the symptoms can vary tremendously. Some people are asymptomatic, for others it’s like a bad cold. But those who become sick enough to go to the hospital typically experience fever, loss of taste and...

Download and decorate one of the Valentine's Day cards below to share with a friend. 

By Gigi Moreno, Ph.D.

In August, I received an email from Kaiser Permanente asking members to volunteer for a COVID vaccine trial. I have never volunteered as a test subject for any scientific experiment. I also do my best to minimize exposing...

Stay connected with Beach Cities Health District recent newsletters below:
December 30, 2021: Free...

The new year brings a fresh start and a renewed sense of resilience as we continue to LiveWell during COVID-19. It is also a great time to take stock and create a plan to prioritize your health and well-being. Here are three ways Beach Cities Health...

Keep the face coverings and hand sanitizer nearby; COVID-19 vaccine isn't likely to be available to most Americans until the spring

By Dr. William Kim, Chief Medical Advisor, Beach Cities Health District

The end is near. But not...
