Healthy from the Inside Out
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

With plenty of exercise opportunities, outdoor recreation space and more than 100 Blue Zones Project Approved Restaurants serving up healthy options, the Beach Cities has the resources available when we want to exercise a little more or eat a little better.

But if you’re like one in five Americans who struggle with a mental health condition, do you feel like you have the same access to care and support in your community? And do you feel comfortable asking for help?

This is part of an ongoing conversation Beach Cities Health District has been having with local school districts, businesses and community partners.

The “Know the Signs” campaign helps members of our community recognize the five signs of emotional distress, and what you can do about it:

  • Personality changes
  • Uncharacteristically angry, anxious, agitated or moody
  • Withdrawal or isolation from other people
  • May neglect self-care and engage in risky behavior
  • Overcome with hopelessness and overwhelmed by circumstances

Have you noticed any of these signs in a family member, friend or colleague? The next steps are to connect, reach out, inspire hope, offer help and show compassion. When we work together, we can encourage our community to be healthy from the inside out.

Connect: Through your regular interaction with the person, note any changes in behavior.

Reach out: Check in with the person. “How are you doing?” is a simple way to engage.

Inspire hope: Tell them that you care about them.

Offer help: It may take more than one offer, and you may need to reach out to others who share your concern about the person.

Show compassion: Show a willingness to find a solution when the person may not know they need help.

BCHD is able to offer mental health resources and referrals. Visit or call our Assistance, Information & Referral line at 310-374-3426, ext. 256.

Download the Know the Signs poster